Ideas For Outsourcing Your Website Development Online

When was the last time that you, as a small-business owner, updated your website? For many of us the answer is quite a long time ago. We seem to be so engrossed in trying to make the business “tick” on a daily basis as we deal with clients, order fulfilment, marketing initiatives and a whole host of other distractions. A website is not simply something that sits there and hopefully garners some interest and possibly some leads. It must be a dynamic property that is a joy to visit and is often updated. Delegate this to your virtual assistant so that it is in a constant state of development.

1. Website Build

It is said that 50% of businesses do not have a website at all. This is a remarkable statistic and it’s probably as much to do with the fact that small-business owners just don’t know where to start. A virtual assistant can get a website up and running for a business in a remarkably short amount of time given the correct initial guidance and direction.

2. Website Re-design

When people visit a website today they expect to see something that is exciting, enticing and vibrant, otherwise these people click away. It’s almost certainly time for you to redesign your old static website, but you are not the expert in these matters – the virtual assistant is. So much changes on a weekly basis in the world of website design but your VA will be able to keep on top of these changes and integrate the latest and best.

3. Website Content Creation

Your website is only as good as the content within. People are looking for information and you must tell them that you have the correct information, together with the products and services that can help them deal with their problem. The material on your website must be regularly updated, very pertinent and directly related to the problems faced by your business prospects.

4. Website Management

There are many regular “household chores” associated with owning and operating a website. For example, dedicated organisations host the site and will require payment on a regular basis and will sometimes raise questions according to bandwidth allocations. Your valuable domain names will expire from time to time and will need to be renewed. As a small business owner if you overlook or ignore some of these chores it can lead to disaster. This is why a virtual assistant is an essential ally here.

5. Website / Blog Search Engine Submission

If you don’t promote the existence of your website nothing will happen. In the Internet world the majority of people look for information by interacting with search engines. Many small-business owners don’t realise that you have to go through a concerted procedure to notify the search engines not only of your existence, but what your site is all about. The biggest engine of all – Google – has webmaster solutions and a specific dashboard. The virtual assistant can make sure that everything is updated correctly and consistently in order to ensure that your website is at the very least seen.


Website creation and administration are two of the core fundamental tasks outsourced to virtual assistants by small-business owners.

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