Optimise your social media

When social media first came to our attention, it seemed to be something people did to publicise events in their private lives, to talk endlessly about a hobby or to carry on a pretty uninteresting conversation online for the whole world to read… a lot of people just didn’t get it and there is still a healthy bunch of sceptics out there.

Today’s blog is an attempt to explain how social media works for business and how you can exploit it. In simple terms, it all comes down to marketing. Think of any company, large or small. Somehow they have to get the word about their product or service out to their target audience. These companies might have sales and marketing teams – a group of people whose job it is to contact potential clients and to advertise the company’s existence.

Think of social media as your sales and marketing team. It performs a similar role but on a global scale.  Interacting with the community beyond your company is critical. A website is an obvious starting point but you’ll gain little, if any, traffic if you just publish a series of static, unchanging pages. You can, however, maximise the value of your website with good, interesting content – it will keep people on your site and attract them back again – you just have to get them there in the first place.

A blog is a good way to advertise your website. It provides the opportunity to bring something new and interesting to your site on a regular basis. Try to write for your blog 2 or 3 times a week and develop a schedule of days when your blog is published.  You still need to push your message out into cyberspace though and so it’s essential to get your blog linked to social media networking sites where it will be distributed to people who are following you there.

On the social networking sites you need to be targeting people and companies who your product or service is designed for. Build your relationships with them and get them back onto your website by sending them links to your blog.  Make it easy for people to share your blog and add Twitter and facebook buttons like the ones above to get your readers to spread the message for you. And don’t forget to set up an RSS feed button so that your blog can easily be directed to email inboxes or Google homepages.

There are many more ways of getting your name out there from adding meta keywords to blogs and creating downloadable material or placing videos on YouTube or Vimeo. Essentially, the key to promoting your company is communication. Speak to people on Twitter, in facebook, in LinkedIn, wherever you can. Build those relationships and you will build your client base.

There’s a lot to take in and attend to if you’re new to social media optimisation. We would love to help you make the most of your website and help you get those all-important clients.Take a look at our Services to see what we can do for you.

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