Why your blog must be dynamic – and what you should do about it

If you’ve ever tried to generate traffic to one of your websites online you know that it can be quite a difficult proposition sometimes. You may be well aware how important it is to have a blog in order to draw attention to your involvement in your niche, your expertise and your ability to “provide” advice and recommendations to others. If you like, the blog part of your online presence is your proactive and dynamic component. While your website, per se, may be focused on what you do and what you are providing, your blog is your real-time window, to show that you’re alive and kicking.

Look at it another way. The website could be one week old or one-year-old. Many webmasters may not update their pages for a considerable amount of time and while Google is always telling us that our content should be “fresh,” a regular visitor to your website may not really notice any change since the last time that they visited. However, your blog should be very different. It ought to be updated regularly, at least several times a week. Some bloggers who simply don’t have the time to devote to ongoing maintenance use one of those WordPress add-ons that mask the actual date of the post. In that way, visitors cannot automatically see that you haven’t updated your blog for however long it may be. A neat application this may be, but it masks an underlying problem, doesn’t it?

To be able to advance in terms of your online presence takes time and effort. You have to convince those who are thinking about it, or maybe on the fence, to engage with you. Yes, we all know about those seven individual exposures. Marketing law dictates that people have to be exposed to our products and services on average seven times before they pry open their wallets. What better way to gently remind them of your presence than to update your blog on a regular basis with good, repeat “good” content? If you have persuaded your visitors to sign up for your RSS feed then your name will come up in front of them periodically. If they like what they’re reading and remember that they have a problem to solve, you’re on your way to getting them to return to your site and click on the buy button.

Updating content can be a challenge. You’ve got plenty on your plate just trying to make your business run smoothly, to say nothing of all the other distractions that you have in your regular life. It can certainly be difficult allocating an extra hour or so in the morning to write the content necessary to populate your blog. This is where a virtual assistant can absolutely shine. Not only does the VA know how to write creatively and how to get a particular point across with colour, but they also know how to upload the post, optimise from an SEO perspective and all the other ancillary – and time-consuming – tasks that need to be done as you publish.

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